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107 items found
Hoefnagel, G.
Archetypa studiaque patris Georgii Hoefnagelii Iacobus F. genio duce ab ipso scalpta, omnibus philomusis amica D: ac perbenique communicat. I. Chr. Weigel excudit. Plate 1.10.
Frankfurt am Main, 1592. Small oblong folio (18.0 x 27.0 cm). Single plate, finely and beautifully hand-coloured.
Read moreHoefnagel, G.
Archetypa studiaque patris Georgii Hoefnagelii Iacobus F. genio duce ab ipso scalpta, omnibus philomusis amica D: ac perbenique communicat. I. Chr. Weigel excudit. [Complete with all titles and plates].
"Frankfurt am Main, J. Hoefnagel, 1592" [But Nuremberg, Paulus Fürst, after 1638]. Oblong folio (extremely wide-margined copy, 29.5 x 37.0 cm). Engraved titles to the four parts. 48 engraved plates. Pars Prima, Plates 1-12; Pars Secunda, Plates 1-12; Pars Tertia, Plates 1-12, Pars Quatra, Plates 1-12. [Complete]. Period style full burgundy morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments rich gilt with floral borders and floral vignettes; red morocco label with gilt title; boards with broad, gilt-rolled borders, gilt corner-pieces; tripple gilt-lined inner borders and floral corner-pieces. Gilt-rolled edges and inner dentelles.
Read moreSchott, G.
Physica curiosa sive mirabilia naturae et artis libris XII comprehensa, quibus pleraq[ue] quae de angelis, daemonibus, hominibus, spectris, energumenis, monstris, portentis, animalibus, meteoris.
Herbipoli (Würzburg), Johann André Endter & Wolfgang Endter junior, 1667. Thick 4to (20.6 x 16.8 cm) [21.6 x 19.5 x 9.8 cm]. Half-title, engraved title by I. Sandrart, letterpress title page in red and black, verso with engraved coat of arms ‘Honi soit qui mal y pense’. 1460 ([l], 1389 [xxi]) pp.; 61 engraved plates, numbered I-LVIII; A-C, of which six larger, double-folded. Contemporary, extensively blind-tooled pigskin boards. Spine with four raised bands. Boards with bevelled edges and with two leather straps and brass clasps. Edges blue.
Read moreRumphius, E. G. [AND] Portius L. A., and others
Miscellanea Curiosa sive Ephemeridum Medico-Physicarum Hermanicrum Academiae Imperialis Leopoldinae Naturae Curiosorum. Decuriae II. Annus quintus. [AND] Annus sextus.
Norimbergae [Nuremberg], Wolfgang Moritz Endter, 1687-1688. Small, thick 4to (19.7 x 15.6 x 10.0 cm). Half-titles, frontispieces, titles; [xxii], 478 206, [xxiv], [blank]; [xxx]; 572, 245, [xxix] pp.; numerous engraved plates (several larger, folded). Contemporary full vellum. Spine with gilt title. All edges red.
Read moreHalley, E. [Newton, I.]
The true theory of the tides, extracted from that admired treatise of Mr. Isaac Newton, intituled, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica; being a discourse presented with that book to the late King James.
London, The Royal Society, 1697. 4to (22.3 x 16.2 cm). [2], 13 pp. (numbered 445-457); two engraved text illustrations. Spine with marbled paper cover.
Read moreLeibniz, G. W. and others
Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum. Ephemerides sive Observationum Medico-Physicarum a Celeberrimis viris. Centuria III & IV. Cum, Appendice.
Norimbergae [Nuremberg], Wolfgang Michahelles, 1715. Small, thick 4to (20.3 x 16.4 cm). Engraved allegorical frontispiece, title, half title, 738 pp. ([xii], 484, [ii], 232, [viii]); 15 engraved plates (several larger, folded), three portraits. Contemporary full vellum. Title neatly written on the spine in an old (probably contemporary) hand. Edges speckled blue.
Read moreCarpeau du Saussay (ed.)
Voyage de Madagascar, connu aussi sous le nom de l'isle de St Laurent. Par M. de De V.... Commissaire provincial de l'artillerie de France. Dedié à S. A. S. M. Le Prince de Contry.
Paris, Jean-Luc Nyon, 1722. 12mo (15.4 x 9.1 cm). Engraved title " Nouveau Voiage de Madagascard", letterpress title, [xviii], 304 pp.; six engraved plates; large, multi-folding map. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine rich gilt, with five gilt-rolled raised bands; compartments with gilt floral borders and crowned shield with a lion; boards with triple gilt borders and large gilt vignettes, showing a Celtic warrior waving a banner, "Brithan" and captioned "Foy de Brehan". Gilt-lined board edges and inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Edges red.
Read moreKerckring, T.
Opera omnia anatomica; continentia spicilegium anatomicum, osteogeniam foetuum: nec non anthropogeniae ichnographiam. Accuratissimus figuris aeri incisis illustrata. Editio tertia.
Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden], Theodorus Haak and Samuel Luchtmans, 1729. Three works in one. 4to (23.2 x 18.3 cm). Frontispiece engraving by A. Blotelingh; title page with woodcut vignette "Tuta sub Aegide Pallas", xx, 303 pp., including titles to the Osteogenia foetuum, in qua quis cuique ossiculo singulis accedat mesibus, quidve decedat, & in eo per varia immutetur tempora, accuratissimè oculis subjicitur (with copper engraved vignette "Structa super lapidem qui ruet ista domus" and blank verso) and Anthropogeniae ichnographia sive conformatio foetus ab ovo usque sad ossificationis principia, in supplementum osteogeniae foetuum (with wood-engraved vignette); 40 engraved plates (several large, folding); Marbled limp paper boards, green label with script title on the spine.
Read moreSeba, A.
Giant snake [Plate 101 of Seba's Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio Volume II].
Amsterdam, Jansson-Waesberg, J. Wetsteen and William Smith, 1735. Very large oblong folio (51.2 x 63.2 cm). Double-sized engraved plate in fine, natural, contemporary hand-colouring
Read more[Mairan, J. J. d'Ortous de]
Meridienne de Sain-Port ou Saint Assise. [Manuscript].
Unpublished, 1734-1761. Folio (36.0 x 23.2 cm). Half-title, contents leaf, title page, 31 pp. [numbered 1-31], 20 blank leaves. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with six raised bands; compartments rich gilt with lion vignettes and floral corner pieces, and burgundy morocco label with gilt title. Boards with double gilt-lined borders. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreLinnaeus, C. [Nauclér, S.]
Hortus Upsaliensis, quem cum consensu ampliss. facult. medicae in regio ad salam lyceo, sub praesidio viri celeberrimi, d:ni doct. Caroli Linnaei, med. et botan. profess. reg. et ord. acad. imper. Regg. Monspel. Stoch. et Upsal. socio hujusque secretario. Speciminis academicvi loco, publicae disquisitioni subjicit Samuel Naucler.
Upsaliae [Uppsala], [the author], 1745. Small 4to (17.7 x 14.1 cm). [iii], 48 pp.; folded view, folded map, and two engraved plates. Early 19th-century half vellum over marbled boards. Edges speckled red.
Read moreAnville, [J. B. B.] d'
Carte de l'Inde. Dressée pour la Compagnie des Indies par le Sr. d'Anville, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orléans. Paris, Novembre 1752.
Paris, Compagnie des Indes, 1752. Oblong broadsheet (97.2 x 111.5 cm), printed engraving with additional, contemporary hand-colouring (printed surface 87.8 x 104.5 cm).
Read moreGleichen Russworm, W. F. Von [Rußwurm, Rusworm]
Das Neueste aus dem Reiche der Pflanzen oder mikroskopische Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen der geheimen Zeugungstheile der Pflanzen in ihren Blüten, und der in denselben befindlichen Insekten; nebst einigen Versuchen von dem Keim, und einem Anhang vermischter Beobachtungen, beschrieben, und mit Farben nach der Natur vorgestellet. Herausgegeben, verlegt und mit den nöhtigen in Kupfer gestochenen und illuminirten Abbildungen versehen von Johann Christoph Keller.
Nürnberg, Christian de Launoy seel[ig] Erben, [1763]-1764-[1766]. Folio (40.2 x 25.8 cm). Title page with motto on verso, half-title with motto on verso; 159 pp. [(iv), 8, (iv), 72, 40, (vi), 26]; 51 engraved plates [numbered I-V, IIb (all showing microscopes); I-IV, A-E, V-XXX (mainly showing flowers); 1-10 (mainly showing insects)], all in fine, original hand-colouring; and decorated with several large, finely engraved headpieces. Contemporary mottled calf. Spine with seven raised, gilt-lined bands; compartments rich gilt with floral vignettes and corner pieces; brown morocco label with gilt title. Board edges gilt-rolled. Marbled pastedowns. All edges red.
Read moreLinnaeus, C.
Plantarum rariorum Horti Upsaliensis. Fasciculus primus sistens descriptiones et figuras plantarum minus cognitarum.
Lipsiae, Siegfried Lebrecht [Leberecht] Crusius, 1767. Folio (38.5 x 24.2 cm). Title page with engraved pictorial vignette, [i], 20 pp; ten engraved plates. Marbled boards with facsimile of title mounted.
Read moreKlinkosch, J. T.
Programma quo anatomicam monstri bicorporei monocephali descriptionem proponit nec non sectiones, et demonstrationes suas anatomicas.
Vetero-Prague, Joannis Josephi Clauser, 1767. 4to (24.0 x 20.4 cm). 31 pp.; six large, folded, engraved plates. Contemporary bind blue wrappers.
Read moreHamilton, W.
Account of the effects of a thunder-storm, on the 15th of March 1773, upon the house of Lord Tylney at Naples. In a letter from the Honourable Sir William Hamilton, Knight of the Bath, his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Naples, and F. R. S. to Mathew Maty, M. D. Sec. R. S.
London, The Royal Society, 1773. 4to (22.7 x 17.3 cm). 9 pp.; one large, folded engraved plate. Spine with marbled paper cover.
Read moreRegnault, [N. F.]
Cochon d’Inde à deux corps. [ Les ecarts de la nature, ou recueil des principales monstruosités que la nature produit dans le genre animal planche 2].
[Paris], Regnault, [1775]. Single sheet (26.6 x 18.7 cm). Engraved and finely hand-coloured plate with printed caption.
Read moreBuc'hoz [P. J.]
Herbier ou collection des plantes medicinales de la Chine d'après un manuscrit peint et unique qui se trouve dans la Bibliotheque de l'Empereur de la Chine, pour servir de suitte a la collection des fleurs qui se cultivent dans les Jardins de la Chine et de l'Europe. [AND] Collection précieuse et enluminée des fleurs plus belles et les plus curieuses qui se cultivent tant dans les jardins de la Chine, que dans ceux d'Europe, dirigée par le soince et sous la conduittes de Mr. Buc'hoz. Ouvrage egalement utile aux naturalistes, aux fleuristes, aux peintres, aux dessinateurs, aux directeurs des manufactures en porcelaine, en fayance et en etoffes de soye, de laine, de coton et autres artistes. Pour servir de Suite à l'Histoire naturelle et Oeconomique des 3. regnes de la nature. Partie II. Plantes les plus belles qui se cultivent dans les jardins de l'Europe.
Paris, Lacombe, [AND] Chez l'Auteur, [1776]-1781. Two works in one. Folio (49.0 x 30.0 cm). Title pages (first in sepia, second in black); [ii] pp. (explanatory leaves); 201 finely hand-coloured engraved plates. Fabulous period-style full red morocco binding. Spine with five gilt-ornamented raised bands; compartments rich gilt with floral vignettes and borders, and gilt title. Boards with gilt-rolled floral borders and corner-pieces; gilt inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreCosta, E. Mendes da
Elements of conchology: or, an introduction to the knowledge of shells. With seven plates containing figures of every genus of shells.
London, Benjamin White, 1776. 8vo (21.4 x 13.0 cm). viii, iii-vi, 319, [i] pp.; seven large, folded, engraved plates in fine, contemporary hand-colouring; two large, folded charts. Contemporary full speckled calf. Boards with gilt vignette and monogram; spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments with gilt stars, vignettes; Greek key bands at head and foot, and red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreNiebuhr, C.
Description de l'Arabie d'apres les observations et recherches faites dans le pays meme.
Copenhague [Copenhagen], Nicolas Möller, 1773. Large, thick 4to (27.8 x 21.0 cm). Title page with engraved vignette; xlvi (including dedication leaf, dated 1772, with engraved vignette), 372; 25 engraved plates and maps, of which several larger, folded; the very large map of Arabia, and two other plates with original, additional hand-colouring; one large, folded table. Contemporary mottled calf. Spine with five raised bands; compartments with gilt floral corner-pieces and central vignette, and burgundy morocco label with gilt title. Boards with gilt-rolled decorative border. Patterned endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreLinnaeus, C. - Houttuyn, M.
Des Ritters Carl von Linné vollständiges Pflanzensystem nach der dreyzehnten lateinischen Ausgabe und nach Anleitung des holländischen houtteuynischen Werks übersetzt und mit einer ausführlichen erklärung ausgefertiget. Erster - Eilfter Theil. [Complete].
Nürnberg, G. N. Raspe, [1777]-1784-[1799]. 14 volumes in 15. 8vo (19.5 x 12.2 cm). Frontispiece portrait of Linnaeus. Title pages, 9943 pp.; 121 large, multi-folded, engraved plates [1-105, 5b, 12b, 16b, 16c, 19b, 24b, 41b, 42b, 44b, 50b, 51b, 53b, 55b, 57b, 57c, 66b]. Uniform contemporary half calf over olive paper covered boards. Spines with gilt ornaments and two pale olive morocco labels with gilt chains and title.
Read moreBourguet, [L.]
Traité des pétrifications. Nouvelle édition, corrigée et augmentée.
Paris, Claude-Antoine Jombert, 1778. 8vo (19.7 x 12.3 cm). Half-title, title page, 349 pp. (xvii, 326, [vii], and 4; 16 with advertisements); 441 engravings on 60 plates. 19th-century half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental lines and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreTorcia, M.
Relazione dell'ultima eruzione del Vesuvio. Accaduta nel mese di agosto di questo anno 1779. Rélation de la dernière éruption du Vésuve. Arrivée au mois d'Août de cette année 1779. [Very rare with coloured plate].
Napoli, Raimondi, 1779. 8vo (18.6 x 12.0 cm). Two title pages (Italian and French) with different engraved vignettes, [vi], 135 pp. (separated by a blank page), one folded engraved view of the eruption engraved by Boilly and nicely hand-coloured by Volaire. Contemporary vellum. Spine with gilt-lettered label.
Read moreBrokatpapier [gilt-printed paper]
A large, gilt-embossed sheet.
[Augsburg, probably J. C. Munck, ca. 1780]. A large, oblong folio sheet of orange/terracotta painted wove paper, printed in gilt. (35.8 x 42.8 cm; printed area 30.7 x 36.1 cm, i.e., with ample margins) Loose, as issued.
Read moreBrokatpapier [gilt-printed paper]
One large, gilt-embossed sheets.
[Augsburg, probably J. C. Munck, ca. 1780]. A oblong folio sheet of orange/terracotta painted wove paper, printed in gilt. (each 35.1 x 43.1 cm; printed areas 29.7 x 34.8 cm, i.e., with ample margins). Loose, as issued.
Read moreHerschel, [F.] W.
Astronomical observations on the rotations of the planets round their axes, made with a view to determine whether the Earth's diurnal motion is perfectly equable.
London, The Royal Society, 1781. 4to (24.5 x 19.5 cm). 24 pp. (numbered 115-138); two large, foldout plates. Spine with marbled paper cover.
Read morePlinius Secundus, C. [P. C. B. Guéroult, ed.]
Morceaux extraits de l'Histoire Naturelle de Pline.
Paris, Michel Lambert, 1785. 8vo (19.5 x 13.0 cm). 554 pp. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with gilt lines, floral vignettes and brown morocco label with gilt title. Gilt-lined board edges. Marbled endpapers. All edges red.
Read moreLacombe, J. (ed.)
Encyclopédie Méthodique, ou par ordre de matières: par une société de gens de lettres, de savans et d'artistes. Précédée d'un Vocabulaire universel, servant de table pour tout l'ouvrage; ornée des portraits MM. Diderot & d'Alembert, premiers éditeurs de l'Encyclopédie. Art Aratoire et du Jardinage; contenant la description & l'usage des machines, ustensiles, instrumens & outils employés dand l'exploration des terres & dans la culture des plantes.
Paris, H. Agasse, 1797-1802. Two volumes in two [text and atlas]. 4to (27.1 x 21.5 cm) and folio (29.3 x 22.1 cm). Title pages; (i) [ avertissement], 298 pp.; 54 engraved plates of which two double-sized. Uniform 20th-century half linen over plain boards. Spines with green morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreLinnaeus, C. [Murray, J. A. (ed.)]
Caroli a Linné equitis systema vegetabilium secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus et differentiis. Editio decima quinta praecedente longe correctior curante Jo. Andrea Murray, equite ord. r. de Wasa.
Paris, J. F. P. Déterville, 1798. 8vo (20.3 x 13.3 cm). 16, 822 pp. 19th-century half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt bands and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreLamarck, J. B. [P. A. de Monet de]
Systême des animaux sans vertèbres, ou tableau général des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux. Présentant leurs caractères essentiels et leurs distribution, d'après la considération de leurs rapports naturels et de leur organisation, et suivant l'arrangement établi dans les galeries du Muséum d'Hist. Naturelle, parmi leurs dépouilles conservées; précédé du discours d'ouverture du Cours de Zoologie, donné dans le Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, l'an 8 de la republique.
Paris, l'Auteur, Deterville, 1801. 8vo (19.2 x 12.0 cm). viii, 432 pp.; seven tables (six larger, folded). Contemporary full tree calf. Spine rich gilt in Empire style with vases and intricate patterns including stars, and red morocco label with gilt title. Boards with gilt-rolled borders. Marbled endpapers. Edges speckled red.
Read moreBergeret, J.
Flore des Basses-Pyrénées. Par Jean Bergeret (1751-1813). Augmentée par Eugène Bergeret (1799-1868). Nouvelle édition, complète, publiée avec une préface et des notes par Gaston Bergeret.
Pau, Garet, [1803]-1909. Thick 8vo (24.3 x 16.1 cm). lxxxvi, 960 pp. Contemporary full cloth with green morocco label with gilt title on the spine. Marbled endpapers. Printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreLamarck [J. B. P. A. de Monet de] and Candolle, [A. P.] de
Flore française, ou descriptions succinctes de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en France, disposées selon une nouvelle méthode d'analyse, et précédées par un Exposé des Principes élémentaires de la Botanique. Troisième édition, augmentée du Tome V, ou sixième volume, contenant 1300 expèces non décrites dans les cinq premiers volumes. Ouvrage accompagné d'une grande Carte Botanique coloriée, et orné de 11 planches contenant environ 200 figures. [AND] Synopsis plantarum in flora Gallica descriptarum.
Paris, Desray, 1815 [AND] Paris, H. Agasse, 1806. Six volumes in seven. 8vo (20.8 x 13.8 cm). 3717 pp.; 11 plates, one map, one table. Uniform 20th-century half morocco over marbled boards. Spines with four raised bands and two red morocco labels with gilt border, authors' names and title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreTemminck, C. J.
Histoire naturelle générale des pigeons et des gallinacés; par C. J. Temminck, Chevalier de l'Ordre Impérial de la Réunion, Directeur de la Société des Sciences à Harlem, et membre de plusieurs Sociétés d'Histoire naturelle. Ouvrage en trois volumes. Accompagné de planches anatomiques. Tome premier - second - troisième. [Complete].
Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp & Fils, Paris, G. Dufour, 1813-1815. Three volumes in three. 8vo (22.5 x 13.5 cm). 1736 pp. [499, (i); 477, (i); 757, (i)], 12 engraved plates ([I]; I-III; IV-XI). Uniform 19th-century half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt-rolled, floral bands; tan morocco labels with gilt title, and red, gilt-bordered morocco label with gilt number.
Read moreRousseau, J. J. [A. Deville (ed.)]
Letters on the elements of botany, addressed to a Lady by J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus by Thomas Martyn, B.D.F.R. & L.SS, Regius professor of botany in the University of Cambridge. The eighth edition, corrected. [AND] Thirty-eight plates with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnaeus's system of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the letters on the Elements of Botany.
London, White, Cochrane, and Co., Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; B. Crosby and Co.; and Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, 1815. Two works in one. 8vo (21.0 x 13.1 cm). Half title, title, xx, 434 pp., folding table. [AND] London, J. White, 1799. vi, 72 pp.; 38 hand-coloured, tissue-guarded engraved plates by F. Nodder. Full contemporay polished calf, spine with four raised, flat-topped bands with gilt ornaments; compartments with rich gilt vignettes and title; boards with elaborate double gilt borders, blind-tooled, gilt, and black ornamental lines; gilt inner and outer dentelles; marbled edges.
Read moreHorticultural Society of London
Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. Series I Volumes 1-7 (and) Series II Volumes 1-3 and General Index to both Series. [The Loder set, with all plates published].
London, The Horticultural Society, 1820-1848. Ten volumes in ten. 4to (28.5 x 22.5 cm). Engraved titles with woodcut vignettes; more than 3000 pp.; 175 engraved plates (several larger, folded) of which 91 finely hand-coloured; three folding tables, several text figures. Contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards. Spines with five gilt-ornamented bands; compartments with gilt title and volume number. Speckled edges.
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